Opening Microsoft Edge from the Run dialog

Are you someone who prefers using keyboard shortcuts to open up applications? I always tend to use them wherever possible. The latest browser from Microsoft’s stable - Edge has been released from sometime now (exclusively on Windows 10). I found it to be light weight and decent enough for browsing.

The problem:

One quirk that I find is that you can’t trigger it directly from the Run dialog in windows (by default), like the way one could open Internet Explorer by typing iexplore from the Run dialog.

However, there is a slight tweak that can be performed to make this possible. With this tweak you could type edge in the Run dialog and open up Microsoft Edge.

Steps to make this possible:

  • Type shell:Appsfolder in the Run dialog and press enter. This would open up the Applications folder.
  • Search for Microsoft Edge application in this folder.
  • Right click on this Microsoft Edge application and create a shortcut to it. Name this shortcut as edge
  • Copy this shortcut and place it in the System32 folder i.e. (C:\Windows\System32)

That’s all!! We are good to go now… Open the Run dialog and type edge in it to open up Microsoft Edge browser.

Hope this was useful!

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